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Gameplan Europe helps companies to evaluate opportunities and to investigate problems. Every assignment is unique and our expertise is tailored to meet your objectives. Here are examples of common types of assignment:

Our objectivity is key to our success. Being independent of the client company we are often able to secure more objective information from research respondents. In addition we present the research findings neutrally, and free from company politics. Our overriding goal is to act in the client's best interest, even if we have to advise them to cancel our assignment to expand into a new market because we believe their resources could be better deployed in alternative ventures. The trust that we have thereby generated has resulted in several long term client relationships.



Gameplan Europe helps companies evaluate opportunities and to investigate problems. Every assignment is unique and our expertise is tailored to meet your objectives.

Executive Search

Executive Search

Our multilingual team is accomplished at identifying executives and getting through to talk with them, and in compiling our large international personnel database.



Gameplan Europe has extensive experience of identifying the best means for each individual client of doing business in a new market.



Thanks to all our clients for their support which enabled us to publish 28 copies of the International Directory of Retail Toy Buyers and 23 copies of the Directory of Toy Importer-Distributors providing valuable info for manufacturers.

Gameplan Europe

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